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A Historic Structure Report (HSR) was prepared by a consultant team under the guidance of Preservation Architect Charles J.  Quagliana and completed on March 30, 2013.  The team included Douglas Sutter, Senior Construction Manager, and Kurtis Straus, P. E. Structural Engineer.  This provided an assessment of the value, conditions and costs associated with ownership of the North Residence, along with a set of recommendations that address the maintenance, rehabilitation and preservation of the property.  As noted in the executive summary: “It remains a jewel of early 20th century architecture, with fine materials and craftsmanship.”  

Since 2013, the owners’ efforts have been focused on restoration and preservation of the buildings structure and envelope guided by the HSR.  For the North house, they have addressed all of the critical issues listed in the HSR recommendations as well as select non-critical issues.  For the garage, all critical issues have been addressed.  
The interior of the North House has remained original. 

(A detailed list of the items that have been addressed as well as electronic versions of the HSR and original house plans are available upon request to those with serious interest.)


A Certificate of Appropriateness, which certifies that the work will be compatible with the historic character of a building, is required for alterations that change the appearance of the building or new construction.*

“The Landmarks Commission reviews proposals for exterior work on landmark properties and buildings in historic districts to ensure that proposals are compatible with the historic character of the building or district.”

**See section on Landmarks Commission in the City of Madison Best Practices Guide

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